Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Review: E.P. Carrillo Edicion Inagural 2009

E.P. Carrillo Edicion Inagural 2009 description: 5 3/8 x 52 (only size), $13 per stick, Ecuadorian Wrapper, DR and Nicaragua binders and fillers, made in DR by Ernesto Perez-Carillo. Ernesto left General Cigar to start his own cigar company with his children last year. This cigar is their first. Ernesto is known for blending the La Gloria Cubana cigars.

Sharp looking cigar with a chocolate brown natural wrapper that felt very solid. Pre-light draw was decent with really no taste. The cigar started off with a tough draw that didn’t go away until only two inches left. The cigar started off with hints of caramel and butter. Less than an inch into the cigar the butter notes went away and the caramel notes fell to the background while a nutmeg-spice came forward and stayed the remainder of the cigar. This was a medium bodied cigar that almost developed to full near then end once the draw was better. This cigar was complex, but the draw left me a little exhausted. I give this cigar a 7/10 because of the draw and because the price and hype did not live up to expectations during my one opportunity to enjoy this cigar.

The E.P. Carrillo website is quite unique (and a little confusing to me with little useful information). There is a map of the world and every time there is a ‘Tweet’ in the world, that ‘Tweet’ will display on the map live. Check it out if you want at: http://www.epcarrillo.com/

This was Adam’s gift to me from our OCCS gift exchange, so thank you Adam for the opportunity to try this cigar.

Take care-


  1. I can't wait to try mine to compare it to yours. Of course every palate is different. I will get to it this month.

  2. Just had this on the way in this morning. Very buttery and bready flavors. Very even burn, great thick, stout ash. I had a 4" long ash at one point. Thick as fog smoke. No touch ups. While the strengh was very much on the mild side for me, this would be a great cigar with coffee in the AM. With the one exception of the price very nice cigar.

