Friday, January 29, 2010

review : ecig

i bought debbie one of these last year and got to try it. We ordered the stongest they had. the kit came with two cigs ,one to smoke and one to charge so you could swap. this is a brilliant consept,but it did not work effectively enough. would not stay charged for any considerable amount of time.the tips, which use some sort of paste type nicatine,did not last long enough either. then there were the charging problems. it would't stay charged long either and then it got so hot it burned debbies hand. taste of the ecig was ok ,there is a vapor that you exhale not smoke and the end lits up when you inhale and exhale. was not a good experience, going to wait till the technology get better ,then we wil try it again. oh almost forgot ,for 70 dollers you got the kit,which had two e cigs,a charger and some tips to but on the end that have the nicotine in them and tips cost about 5 dollors for 5 or six tips....happy smoking everyone............jeff ..see you on the 19th


  1. I knew I had heard you talk about them before. Too bad they didn't work out. Maybe they will improve in a few years.

  2. Sounds like a lot of work, money and parts just to get some nicotine. Maybe they are supposed to be a healthier alternative to actual burning tobacco?

    Chili pizza it is on the 19th. Can't wait!
