Tuesday, January 12, 2010

another guest for march meeting

whats up guys? i have contacted JEFF BURTON of the POINT and asked him if he would like to attend one of our meetings. told him the date and time and place ,so mybe he will stop by. i just thought it would be cool since he is a felllow cigar smoker ..pretty cool huh.........happy smoking everyone.....jeff


  1. Well, I know Jeff Burton is one of Matt's FAVORITES!!


  2. HA HA HA HA HA! So that is why there was the comment on Burton last night. This is so freaking funny. Adam and I were just talking about how I am still boycoting the Point b/c of Burton (well, him and the fact they took away the BEST morning show in the area - man do I miss Fandango!).

    I hope the guy does show up. That would be AWESOME.
