Friday, January 2, 2009

New OCCS Member Inducted: John S.

During the December '08 Meeting (hosted by Matt), it was decided by the Founding Fathers that John S. would be granted membership into the Original Chapter of the Cigar Society. It was also decided to consider Joe P. for membership into the OCCS.

John, you certainly are not obligated to join our club, but we would very much like to have you as a fellow member.

Membership rules are pretty simple:

1) all members take turns (on a set rotation) planning the monthly cigar meetings

2) the monthly cigar meetings are to be held on a Friday Night (to be held anywhere the meeting planning member would like, provided the place is cigar smoke friendly, obviously), and it is the meeting planning member's responsibility to ensure the majority (if not all) of the members are able to attend the meeting on the date he chooses

3) the meeting preparations should be finalized two weeks in advance

4) the meeting planning member is responsible for bringing one cigar of the same type for each member (including himself); these cigars should be "new" to everyone; the idea behind this is very important to one of our group's main purposes: to expand our cigar palates; the cigar supplied by the planning member will be the cigar reviewed at the meeting by each member and recorded in the Original Chapter of the Cigar Society's Official Cigar Journal (and eventually on this blog); it is the meeting planning member's responsibility to ensure the cigar he choses for the meeting has not yet been smoked by the majority, if not all, of the group memebers; the cigar can cost as little or as much as the meeting planning member wants, the cigar can be any type, the cigar can can be from any maker, but the cigar must be hand made. >> depending on future membership count, this rule may be revised due to involved cost factors; not yet counting John as a member, we currently have 3 members in our group

5) any member can bring a non-member cigar smoker of good character to our meetings, however, the invitation must be made known to all other members prior to the date of the meeting

6) women are not allowed membership into our group, nor or they allowed to attend our meetings (which I am sure is going to really upset a lot of women...)

7) a pledging candidate's membership is left to the discretion of the current OCCS members, with the Founding Fathers having the final say

John, should you decide to accept membership into our club, you would be responsible for planning the March 2009 meeting (keeping in mind Matt will be welcoming his child into the world, I believe, on March 17th).

I think that's all of the rules--besides the most important and obvious rule that everyone must enjoy cigars & have a good time. Matt & Jeff, please correct me if I am wrong.

Anyway, we hope to officially welcome John into the OCCS at the January Meeting, held at Jeff's place.


  1. Adam, I could not agree more. And yes, I will have my hands full on and after March 17th. And by my hands being full I mean with a baby, not a
    Gurka Royal Brigade.

    Adam, again thanks for putting in the work for this blog. I couldn't think of a better way to start the new year.

  2. Hello,

    My name is Jordynn, and I am working with a friend to help him grow his cigar website called We feature some of the finest cigars in the world like Opus X, Padron, Anejo's plus many more! Our customer service is second to none and our online reputation proves it! I was hoping that you would take a look at our website and consider adding us to your links section on your website located:
    and in return we will give you free cigars!

    Please let me know if this would be possible! Thanks again for your time and consideration!


    Jordynn Haskins
