Wednesday, May 19, 2010

OCCS Members' 2010 Goals/Resolutions

How are we doing with them?

I am hanging in there, I suppose, as I have shed some pounds, still working with the German (not often enough, though), but the ASE Master Certification is simply not going to be completed this year--I am still working on the shop's Hazard Communication Program (which is just one of several requirements).

Hope you are doing well.



  1. The wedding planning is done for the most part and plans have changed a few times, but we’re still excited and ready. November 7th will be here before we know it.

    January through March I ran. My feet and hips started hurting after about a month of running and nothing I tried relieved any pain. So, I have come to the concrete conclusion that my body will no longer allow me to run. Fine. However, I still religiously walk the dogs a little over two miles everyday unless weather or time is a detouring factor. At the beginning of April I quit lifting weights too. A lot of family stuff going, out of town a lot and just plain didn’t have time to stick with a routine. I will get back into it though.

    Home projects have gotten off to a slow start. I have partially revamped my backyard and had a yard sale that cleared a lot of basement space. The tile in the foyer will be laid during Memorial Day weekend and I will be enclosing the space underneath the extension of our house that weekend too. We plan on redoing our bathroom this fall. So much to do still.

    It’s been a busy year so far. Hopefully this summer will be full of nice weather, good cigars and good times.


  2. Well, I have lost about 10 lbs so far from the beginning of the year but have a long way to go (30 lbs).

    The cigars (or lack there of) is going well. I have only bought cigars for my meeting tomorrow.

    The gardens are built so I can at least cross that off the list.

    Paying the car off is on schedule but will get tough here soon. We just got Evelyn's bills from the doctor and while insurance covered everything, we still have our $2,000.00 deductable to deal with. Ouch...

    Right now we have 3 camping trips scheduled the first being next month. This will be Evelyn's first camping experience so I hope she likes it otherwise it could throw a wrench into it.

    Joe, you hit the nail on the head. I think that I would be much further along on my list (and on my honey-do list) if it were not for "life". Things always pop up even with our best intentions. The key is how you deal with it. It is how you adapt and overcome adversity. It is how you enjoy life and the ones around you. It is how you make sacrifices for the people that are important to you. It is how you take the time to enjoy the little gifts that God gave us like family, friends and cigars.
